Artwork Pricing


Fine Art Custom Prints

Our Fine Art Custom Prints are museum-grade quality and come in 8x10, 11x14, and 16x20 sizes. These prints are printed and finished on a 2mm art board, making them durable and perfect for displaying in any home.

Custom Fine Art Prints are priced starting at $500 and range up to $1900 each, depending on the size. All prints are carefully crafted to last for years to come and will add a touch of elegance to any living space.

 All purchased Fine Art Prints come with a digital copy of the artwork.

Prints are not framed.


Fine Art Custom Portrait Packages

We offer a range of Custom Print Packages featuring our Mounted Fine Art prints, presented in a keepsake gift box that adds an extra touch of elegance. You can choose from various size combinations, starting with a package of 5 styrene 8x10 prints, and customize it to include as many 8x10, 11x14, and 16x20 prints as you like.

Our packages are priced at $1,400* (after credits) and up, depending on the number and size of the portraits you select. Rest assured that all of our Fine Art Custom Portrait Packages include a digital copy of the purchased images, so you can cherish them for years to come.

Please note that prints are not framed


Fine Art Custom Canvas Packages

At Townsley Portraits, we take pride in our exquisite Fine Art Custom Canvas work. Our canvases, available in sizes ranging from 22x28 and up, are the cornerstone of family heirlooms that can last for up to 200 years. We stand behind the quality of our work with our "love it" guarantee, ensuring that these art pieces will beautifully showcase your cherished memories.

Our Fine Art Canvas Packages offer a variety of options, including a combination of canvas artwork and styrene prints, or multiple Custom Canvases in various sizes. The starting price for our Custom Canvas Packages is $3,300 (after credits)*, additional upgrades can be added to the package for a fee.

Please note that these prices do not include framing.

*Pricing of packages assumes a charity, alliance, or sweepstakes winner certificate and after the $100 refundable deposit. If you do not have a certificate then the prices would be $1100 more.